the thing about me

when i make my mind up about a person it's really hard for me to change my opinion about them. i observe.
1. body language
2. eye contact and direction
3. facial expressions
4. what comes out of their mouths

in that order. you can say beautiful, kind things, but if the rest doesn't're not real to me.

we all have light

i saw her again. she never says hi.
this time at the studio. i was required to watch.
i knew she would be uncomfortable. i tried to not stare.

but there she was, someone who considered me her enemy. someone who talked about me badly. someone who i spooked. someone who spread lies about me.
and i watched, oh yes, i watched.

and i watched myself too. i watched how time and circumstance changes how we can interact. how i had no strong emmotion toward her. i watched how forgivness takes over. how we need to be kind to eachother. how we need to see the good in every person.
no, she will never be my friend. but i will give her my smile and hope that the light within me aknowledges the light within her, because we all have it.



no time

yep, no time to write.
it's all yoga yoga yoga.

and more yoga.

suryanamaskara A.
utthita padanghusthasana.

you get it.


and so, as it might seem against all odds, i decided to jump in and join the YTT (yoga teacher training) program.

Two obstacles where blocking my goal:
a) money
b) ex also in program

while B was easily taken care of (we parted semi-amicably, give eachother our space and the yoga center is neutral ground), A, hasnt been resolved quite as easily. But I decided, at the last moment, i heard two senteces that made me jump.

" Follow your heart".
" The money will always come later".

And my gut tells me that I will be a better person because of it. Many rooted for can do it> and I believe in the end I will give so much more of me to them and all who want it.

Share the love.


to be or not to be.

there is no question.



and so be it.
arrows pointed in the direction i did not want. but i guess acceptance is at hand. allowing a path to walk towards.

today i recieved 4 rejections, 4 negatives, 4 no's.

so now i step aside and think. or not think. or what?!? yes, just go with the motions and do whatever i need to do to make things better for me.

i hold in my hand Mannaz, the rune of The Self. Urging me to begin by being clear with myself- facing up, admitting, releasing, whatever it takes.

"Do no turn to others but look inside, in silence, for the enemy of my progress." A blockage needs to be released.

Growing pains are good.

the thing about me

i'm like the salmon..i swim against the current. some might find this a courageous thing. i fight my way to get what i want, but it is exhausting and really... it's easier to go with the current.

go with the flow.


that's where i'm at.

a turning point. kinda scary, kinda adventureous, kinda quiet, kinda loud. a path to choose.

am i going with the flow or forcing something? i have fought for something i want, and now i have to decide. do itake it?
an answer will come and i'm looking for the signs.

that omen. an arrow.

dancing in the island of enchantment

music. i am very particular about it. i love to dance to a good DJ. but on this island it's difficult. Godfader spins awesome. Velcro too. Last night i was looking to dance and ended up at a small club. Predator pretty much did a medley of hip hop, old school and reggae that sounded like a prom mix. just when you were getting in thr groove he would mix it up with something totally off and speak loudly on the mic. there was no flow.he was trying too hard to please everyone with hit after hit. sucked. so we wait for the DJ's to come...the ones that travel the world and hope they dig this little island. and in the meantime we listen to our ipods and dance at home.
ok, i will make an effort to not only post when i'm deep inside questions and gloom but also when celebration of day to day is here.

the thing about me...

distraction. i love it! focus focus..then you can enjoy the view.