
en menos de 24 horas se me vino todo encima
como una grieta en el techo que se agranda y agranda
dia tras dia hasta al fin ceder
desplomandose todo (no todo, aunque asi parezca).

creo que estoy pasando por uno de los mas dificiles momentos de mi vida
y fijate, puedo sonreir todavia. claro, no todo el tiempo..
es facil sentirse la lastima.

tengo una gata fiel que me sigue a todas partes. tengo. tengo mucho.
y en menos de 24 horas (quisiera yo), saldre de este virus. y quizas la grieta en el techo que cediĆ³ sobre mi, se abrio para dejar la luz entrar.

Box #3

I have a box in that space above my bedroom closet. I've had the bx for 3 years.

Have you ever had one of those?

It's full. I know what's inside more or less. Pictures, journals, drawings...in short, memories.
I don't know why I never really got around to unpacking it. Organizing it. Maybe there's something in that box I'm not ready for.
Anyway..on the front of the box it says "box #3" in my handwritting. I numbered all my boxes when i moved from San Francisco to Puerto Rico. They were like 20 in total. So, # 3 must be an important box, considering it was one of the first.

I took it down an opened it a couple of times. Then I put it right back up. It was so full and so heavy. I moved, and it went up on another closet top. Then i moved again and another closet top. Now I'm moving again. Cool thing is it's already packed and ready to go to another closet top!

It's one of those boxes that never stops being a box. All those memories are perfectly hidden inside it's six cardboard walls.

I wonder what would happen if I unpacked it where I move to next. maybe i wouldn't have to move again...

on permanence, turbulence and change

not frazzled
keeping a calmness
in a movement, a breath
eyes watch an ease
and miss an internal turbulence
she must not have much to do
while i swim deliberate to unsink
change is the only constant
you know permanence
morning dawns
waves crash
sun shines
and the sky shelters your crown
as you keep on

finding your trueness


pude ser tu nectar, tu angel, tu diosa
pero no te encajes...(ya lo hicistes)
o al menos suenan como latidos
pues revuelvo por tu cabeza.
quise un/el amigo y tu mirada me adoraba.

libero el nudo que te encaja a mi.

busca un agujero para salir
al otro lado del cuento,
curado con salitre.

no intento un mal en ti
solo quiero salir de aqui
mas tarde duele mas
el desencaje

my new crush

photo by michelle miner


you need to close a door to open another.

get rid of the old to create space for the new.

when things in your life are not working anymore, they start to stink. throw them away...clear up your fridge.
