ying yang

es raro, pero nunca he estado en una situacion como esta, en donde estoy incomoda en donde resido fisicamente y tengo muchas inconveniencias , y al mismo tiempo me siento tan tranquila espiritualmente.

tengo una fuerza interior que me brinda perseverancia. y nunca la habia tenido antes. he estado en lugares comodos, en mi propio espacio, con transportacion..en fin, comodidades de un adulto, y en ese sitio he estado en el infierno, intranquila, deprimida, eratica.

me siento mas sana que nunca antes.


"...anytime you want you can come here to visit. you have a place to stay here with me."

let me daydream about that. let me go where i have not been before and forget all i will leave behind.

i've never been to venice.

how do you...?

sleep. do you take a long time? do you drift off easily? do you toss and turn?

lately sleep doesn't catch up with me until about 3 or 4am. so i work.might as well. i get ideas. i worry..i eat sunflower seeds. i watch my cat sleep. starting from the ground up isnt easy with a handicap. but yes...i'vr done it b4 ans i can do it again..yes yes...

do you ever wonder what life would be like it everything happened your way?


they repossesed my car!
in a matter of minutes all the members of my immediate family where there.
sob, sob..
dad: "at least you don't have to worry about high gas prices".
sis gives me a hug. bro ther talks about his neck and shoulder pain. mom makes sure everyone has eaten and aren't thirsty. lola (my cat) seems to think it's a good time to pee on my bed.
it was one of those sitcom moments, when passing thru a hard moment, crying, it all seems to come together. it was sad and funny momnent at the same time. everyone was there, in their own way, for me.

that is what family does. they are there.