yoga break

after almost a 4 month break from my yoga practice i am back to my routine. much needed. i've studied the theory of yoga..but as pattabhi says:

"yoga is 99% practice and 1% theory "

i don't know why i leave my mat. i stop and i don't know why. maybe it puts me in a place so real that there's something there in me that i don't want to face. but eventually i come back to my mat.
my relationship with yoga is fairly young. I was introduced to it six years ago but didn't make it a part of my life until two years ago. even though i know how it's supposed to work, it is still a big mystery to me. all i know is that i am a happier person when i do my practice..and that is enough. i won't try to solve the mystery because that in itself defeats the purpose.

this time, while off my mat, i read about yoga. you could say that i never stopped practicing yoga. i just stopped doing the asanas. and you'd be right. because yoga is so much more than just the poses. nurturing my yamas, niyamas...practicing pranayama.

regardless, my body welcomes the asanas. and my whole embraces the mystery.

carry and rest

in this dark hour
all the strength that carries me
takes rest
and fear and pity are allowed
to surface my emmotions

it must be.
it needs recognition
in order to be released.

strenght must rest from time to time
in order to continue to carry me through
for i don't feel light

should i let go of all my wants?
there's so much i do want
it only magnifies
that which isn't there right now
i thought i had stopped desires
but i guesss i secretly still hold them close
but what is wrong with wanting?

waiting for my story to continue somehow
this pause is frightening
this poem has no end...